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Klara M.: I was considered to be "hysteric"

I'm the kind of person who goes for preventive check-ups. I pay for a breast ultrasound every year, self-pay. The last time I had an ultrasound, I was 31 years old and still breastfeeding my 2-year-old son. The chief nurse was at our hospital that day for the ultrasound, and according to the exam, I was fine. She only found some "cluster of ducts" supposedly caused by breastfeeding. I didn't feel anything myself and it was only supposed to be a preventive measure. She wanted to see me again in a quarter of a year just to be sure. I was a little nervous about the result, but I didn't panic. The word benign (=malignant) was mentioned in the report. However, since then I had a strange feeling that something was wrong.

A month passed and I made an appointment with an accredited mamo clinic in Brno for my peace of mind. I was considered a complete hysteric in my family. At this appointment, I could already see during the ultrasound that it was wrong. The doctor and the nurse exchanged THAT look. They quickly called to the fourth floor, where I was immediately sent to get a biopsy request. The fourth floor was oncology. I got my requisition and two days later I was due for a biopsy. The results were due in two weeks. The oncologist couldn't feel anything in my breast and was quite unconcerned and reassured me, "I wouldn't see it as anything dramatic, and even if it was malignant, it would be bad as it is, but your spot is so small that it would be easily resolved".

It was Friday. A week after the biopsy, I called to see if the results were in. They were. They refused to tell me anything on the phone. I didn't wait for anything and went to the hospital in person. I knew from the doctor's expression that it was bad. All I remember from the conversation was "tumor", "malignant", "oncology hospital", "here's your number", "fingers crossed".

Streams of tears, I'm still young. Fearing what's going to happen to the kids. My daughter was 4 and my son was 2. How will my husband cope when I die? They're so small. I don't want them to grow up without their mother.

We went camping that weekend. It was the holidays. I saw happy families and happy, carefree people everywhere. And every spare moment I had, I was reading on the Internet what to expect. A week later, I was at Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute and the round of tests started. X-rays, ultrasounds, labs. The plan was clear. First the surgery. Then four doses of strong chemotherapy. And over Christmas, a daily commute to radiotherapy.

My tumor was the most aggressive. But I was fortunate in that, thanks to prevention and some "sixth" sense of mine, it appeared when it was only a few millimeters old. It hadn't had time to spread to the lymph nodes or other organs.

The treatment is finished. It was definitely not a cake walk, but it opened my eyes and mind. I cherish every day I can be with my family now. I've realized that we're not immortal. I just do things that make sense to me. I enjoy the little things. I'm happy. I've changed my diet and overall lifestyle and I believe I'll be okay and I'll be around for my kids for a long time.

The fear of the disease coming back will always be a part of my life. But even with the help of a psychologist, I am learning to work through it. I am in REMISSION now.

And I would like to tell everyone who reads my story that prevention is extremely important. Don't be put off if your concerns are downplayed by some doctors. In the words of my treating oncologist, "trust your intuition and listen to it, it's something we doctors can't explain, but it works."

I wish everyone nothing but HEALTH. It's not just a phrase. There really is nothing more valuable.

Take each day as if it were to be your last. It wasn't until I had cancer that I learned this.

- Klára M.(@mama_s_diagnozou)


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